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Showing posts from December, 2019

Conventional and unconventional ways of transmitting and revitalizing minoritized languages: in European context and beyond

Call for papers for the conference "Conventional and unconventional ways of transmitting and revitalizing minoritized languages: in European context and beyond", to take place at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, on 12-13 September 2020 Over the last few decades, we can observe a great interest in sustaining the linguistic diversity of the world. Not only are there a growing number of language activists and activities aimed at protecting minority languages at the legal level so that they are recognized by states and dominant communities, but also to maintain them in use and to reinstate their lost domains of usage. Scholars researching language shift and loss, language revival and revitalization underline that the chosen strategy and its effectiveness depend on multiple factors, such as the ethnolinguistic vitality of a speech community, the level of language loss, language attitudes and language trauma. All these factors infl